Parish Notices


Wednesdays and Thursdays, 9.30 to 14.30 each day

Please email the parish clerk with any notices. Notices will be removed after the event or at our discretion to keep the noticeboard relevant and up to date.

Falstone Parish Grasscutting

Contract available for 2024.

Various areas to be maintained including Falstone cemetery.
Closing date for tenders, 25th March 2024.
Please contact for details.

Gardener wanted. 2-4 hours per week. If interested please email the parish council.


Northumberland Communities Together (NCT) have deployed one of the new mobile units into service on a county wide basis with a programme of work commencing May 2023.

The pilot schemes will be in place until end July 2023 principally involving the Library Service, NCT and Customer Services. This will see the mobile units put into service to support a broad range of delivery, engagement, and support. The insight and experience gathered from the pilot phase will enable managers to understand the opportunities and constraints of the new vehicles, the practicalities of their role in delivering a mobile library service and their potential to provide blended Customer / Library Services to communities without a fixed council presence. The pilot scheme will also enable NCT to explore the potential of the mobile units to further develop partnerships, both internal and external, to tackle inequalities and increase access to support and advice.      You are very welcome on board the new vehicles.

Local Time table    Greenhaugh                             15.30

Lanehead                                15.55

Stannersburn                        16.30 till 16.50

The Croft, Falstone              16.55 till 17.35